The self-developed “Fully Automated Slide Processing System” (YZY-FISH-F902) has obtained the Class I Medical Device Registration Certificate from NMPA ( No. 20230697).
Traditional FISH pathology diagnosis is characterized by complex processes, low automation, long manual input time, etc., also due to the large shortage of pathologists and technicians, it cannot meet the current demand for a large number of clinical diagnostics. With the advancement of science and technology, automation and digitization process has gradually penetrated into various fields of medical treatment, in which pathology, as the “gold standard” in medical diagnosis, the degree of automation and digitization determines the efficiency of medical diagnosis.
To solve the problem of manpower shortage in the current high volume of FISH diagnostics, YZY Med has independently developed a truly automated slide processing system YZY-FISH-F902. It can be used directly with a fluorescence microscope to carry out FISH projects, standardizing the operation steps and cutting the time for issuing diagnostic reports, which further promotes the 4 constructions (automation, standardization, digitization and intelligence) in the Pathology Department.
Based on digital microfluidic chip technology, YZY-FISH-F902 solves the complex key problems involved in the automation of FISH experiments (automatic adding of probes, slide uncovering). Combined with our 2 hours’s fast hybridization probe, F902 enables FISH experiments to be fully automated from white film to staining in 5 hours, making it a truly automated and standardized precision work!